Dear ASS,
The government yesterday announced this sudden SG50 bonus for 82,000 civil servants. As many will know, civil servants are just cannot make it people who choose to have an iron rice bowl. They don't need to slog like us out in the real world but yet they still get rewarded with $500 for no good reason! What about other Singaporeans like us? We don't deserve this bonus because we not willing to be a government dogs?
Worse is this PAP government is using $41 million in taxpayers dollars to fund this undeserved "bonus". The blood sweat and tears of all the other Singaporeans being used to feed these jiakliaobis civil servants. I find this totally unacceptable.
If you want to give bonus, give to every Singaporean! How can give to only those who are obedient to you and ignore the others who work hard and strike it on their own outside. We are also Singaporeans, even if we don't vote for you, we deserve to have equal treatment....
You should reconsider and extent this bonus to all working Singaporeans or you will see many people vote you out next election. Do the right thing and stop feeding those who already have an iron rice bowl. Care more for us who work in private.
Sheryl Choo
A.S.S. Contributor