Dear ASS,
Under LKY, Singaporeans were protected, served and well taken care of. We were confident the PAP had Singaporeans best interest at heart and we gave the PAP our support and our loyalty. The new PAP under LHL is so different from LKY that the only thing common is the word "PAP"
Under LHL, the PAP said:
1. It is only a matter of time before MERs attack Singapore.
2. Be prepared for terrorist attack in Singapore
Under the new PAP, Singaporean NUS graduates drive taxis. Other Singaporean are unemployed or under-employed. Under the new PAP, foreigners get lesser sentence than Singaporeans for the same offence. Under the new PAP, Singaporeans are compelled to do NS to defend foreigners. Under the new PAP, foreigners who get jobs with fake degrees and skills are not prosecuted.
What happened to the LKY PAP which protected Singaporeans from harm? Why should we trust and support the new pap when all they have betrayed our trust often?
Tracy Tan
A.S.S. Contributor
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