Hi ASS editors,
Saw this post by Darryl Pay:
"Darryl Pay
LAI LAI HELP SPREAD AND MAKE THIS FUCKER INFAMOUS 19y/o threaten my friend with nudes? knnpcb. she kind means u can push her around? fucking despo fk. Wan nudes go google porn pls."
Darryl Pay
November 28 at 4:04am · "19 year old threaten 14 year old xmm for nudes."
The 19 year old guy has the facebook name "Engjoo Lao Tou". Real name is Ong Eng Joo. He used to be from Sengkang Secondary school. He is currently a NSF, having served for less than a year so far.
Here is the conversation where he demanded that the girl take off her pants, take a photo and send it to him: http://i.imgur.com/yR92PDE.jpg
He demanded nude photos of the 14 year old xmm because she had cheated on him once. She was however, unwilling to take off her pants and pose even after he demanded it many times.
The first attachment shows him making lewd comments to girls on facebook. The second attachment is the girl's photo. The third attachment is the NSF guy. Please share so that we can stop this sick guy once and for all.
Gary Lee
A.S.S. Contributor
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