Please do not shake the foundation of racial harmony we have in Singapore by suggesting that the cat killings in Yishun is racially motivated. Cats, being the gentle creatures that they are, is loved by ALL races.
The fact is, some humans have issues with life and is taking their stress and unhappiness out on poor and defenceless creatures (sometimes even against another human being ).
I do hope that we as humans, need to respect or learn to respect life of ALL forms-they should be given the free access to live peacefully among us. So whoever is killing the cats in Yishun, I do hope you stop and reflect on what you are doing.
It is the same sentiment and just as wrong when it comes to pigeons that are intentionally poisoned. Senseless killing or taking another life just because you can( regardless of its reasons) is morally wrong.
Let us learn to be human again.
A.S.S. Contributor
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