Do HDB residents want to pay higher S & CC? It’s about time we scrutiniseTC expenditures.
Some of the expenditures can be reduced, such as MP greeting banners. I have queried PasirRisPunggolTC but it has refused to disclose the probably embarrassing amount spent.
I am not requesting for confidential information but my TC says it needs to better understand my concerns and is unable to respond via email. I have since written to the PMO on this issue of transparency which has yet to respond. (link to my query, TC’s reply and email to PM Lee)
Should we be paying for MPs to greet us?
Since my TC prefers to conceal the actual banner expenditure, I have estimated the cost to be at about $200,000 every year. This is based on 100 banners printed during each festival and National Day:
- New Years Day
- Chinese New Year
- Good Friday
- Labour Day
- Vesak day
- National Day
- HariRayaPuasa
- Deepavali
- HariRayaHaji
- Christmas Day
If each costs $200, residents would be paying some $20,000 for the banners on each occasion. Multiply that by 10 and our expenditure has increased by $200,000.
MPs are given an allowance and if they are sincere in greeting residents, the banners should be paid from their pockets. I mean, isn’t it ridiculous to make your friends pay for the greeting card sent to you?
Hmm… are my MPs smiling because they have taken us for a ride by forcing us to pay for their greeting banners? How many millions of dollars have been wasted? Why fear transparency if it is not wrong to do so?
Editor's Note:
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