Dear Editors,
Many people have asked me which is better, driving a taxi or going with Grabcar or UberX. I have done all three and can safely say hands down, driving a taxi is still the best earner. You may have to pass that irritating taxi license test but you still earn more. Let me break it down for you.
On a usual day, cab rental $133, diesel $40, that is all i need to cover. In 15 hours, I can do $400 sales. End of day i make $227 profits.
For Uber and Grabcar, rental $65, petrol $60, 20%comm. Because of the super cheap fares, in 15hrs I can hardly hit $300 in sales. After factoring in the 20% commission, only make $120 earnings. If i added the incentives, overall earning will only be $140 a day. No fight at all.
Some Grab or Uber drivers may say they can make additional income by delivering parcels for others since we are already on the road but without delivering a certain quantity, cannot earn much also.
So my personal experience after trying out all, driving taxi still better, Grabcar and Uber are overrated. It may be good for consumer but for drivers, earnings are definitely lesser!
A.S.S. Contributor
Editor's Note:
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