Dear ASS Editors,
Childish buyer on Carousell who is sore about traveling far to purchase item. Met this childish lady buyer on Carousell by the handle of currentlyunavailable who agreed to purchase an item from me and I laid out my terms and conditions clearly right from the beginning which is ONLY SELF COLLECT AT MY BLOCK.
So this childish lady made her way down and collected from me, and after collection, she felt SORE because she had to travel so far to collect it. Right from the start, I have never forced her to buy, and she herself agreed to self collect.
After that then come and become prata woman.If you not happy about self collecting, read this DON'T BUY. NO ONE FORCE YOU TO BUY AND DON'T GIVE ME THAT "I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE" CRAP. YOU HAVE A CHOICE AND THAT IS D-O-N-'T B-U-Y. Bloody bodoh pek kambing buyer.
All sellers please beware of this sore loser prata woman.
A.S.S. Contributor
Editor's Note:
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