These 2 cars are parked at a roundabout between Blk 33 and 32 Bedok south ave 2. It is typically used for picking up and alighting of passengers. In the morning, school buses will be picking up children from this point.
These drivers conveniently parked their cars there to send their kids to a nearby school. School buses that could not get past them will park outside, along the road in the carpark and have the children walking out into the road in the carpark. This is extremely dangerous and inconvenient for the children, who will be exposed to additional risk because of these inconsiderate drivers.
Emails have been sent to LTA on 15 July and no news from them. The white car especially has been parking there every morning. Just called LTA and was informed that this offence will be under HDB!
No action talk only from our highly paid civil servants again?
Angry Singaporean Parent
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