In 2015, are PAP really supporters of this standard?
PAP fan boy page FAP (Fabrications About The PAP) posted this picture of Kevryn Lim implying that she is a sex worker. They then try to deny their claim by saying it was never explicitly stated.
Isn’t it disgusting that in 2015 a female politician in Singapore cannot run without getting sexism thrown at her face? They have to discuss what she is wearing instead of focusing on the policies that she wants to implement. Her dress isn’t remotely revealing or immodest.
This is a low blow and frankly quite fucked up. “she is making a statement with her attire” She is wearing a white dress that covers herself up, The dress alone does not make a statement, your statement “#guesswho standing by the road side” makes a statement. That you are a sexist pig who will desperately take any pot shots you can imagine up in your tiny sexist little brain of yours.
Ben Matchap
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