Jus left the stadium after the fireworks.
Knn they over print the ticket n ALOT of people cannot go in the stadium due to over packed. Regardless of complimentary or paid tix. Massive crowd stuck at gate 14 n 5.
Quarrel even started with the temp staff there. They refuse to let any1 in. N worst thing is...
I ask the staff there if the stadium is full? If it is i will just go home instead of waiting.
They can tell me "dunno, not sure, cannot confirm now" SMLJ? pre.show start at 7pm. 8.30pm u can tell me this kinda nonsense cannot confirm? Zho simi lan jiao ?
In the end they shouted those who wan to go in go to gate 21. All charge there like mad to see. But.... its still pack. Have to stand around the railing to see the show.
So a little message to the useless organiser of sea games.
Please dun play n cheat other pple feeling. I really cannot see the part where u can over print of tickets.
Seats are all standardized. Dun tell me the seats can magically disappears.